
Arizona’s Premier Players Club Lottery Pools Since 1995

More Chances of Winning than Any Other Way of Playing!

Who Are We? PowerPick Players Club is a family owned and operated lottery pooling service that was started to give players more chances of winning.

Judy and Andy Amada, Founders

And the best shot of winning is through a lottery pool, like what we all read about when groups of office co-workers pool their money and win jackpots and other large prizes.

The problem is that most people don't work in a large office environment where it is easy to pool. So in 1995, Judy and Andy started PowerPick Players Club. Many people refer to PowerPick as "The office pool without the office!" Actually, the State of Arizona is PowerPick's "office." So anyone in Arizona can join.

Why Pooling? Lottery pools are all about giving each player MORE CHANCES of WINNING than any other way of playing. For example, players can join a pool for as little as $3.25 and share up to 100 tickets in Powerball, The Pick, or Mega Millions. By joining a group, each player gets to share in HUNDREDS of lottery tickets for just pennies per ticket.

PowerPick Players Club Offers the Ultimate Lottery Convenience. In addition to buying the tickets, PowerPick does all the work: It makes sure that pools are always available through advertising, recruiting and player notifications. Ordering is easy through its website. It assembles and secures each pool, checks all tickets for winners, reports the results, and along with the Arizona Lottery, distributes the winnings. All you do is choose one or more pools from PowerPick's menu of choices. It's fast, easy, secure and convenient. For more complete information on Lottery Pools and the Services PowerPick provides, go to these pages Pooling Benefits & More and All About Lottery Pools.

Now in March 2025, PowerPick is the oldest and most established lottery players club in the USA with an A+ Rating by the Better Business Bureau.

Players must be over 21 with an AZ mailing address.

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